The total Auspicious Marks on both the Lotus Feet of Shrimati Radha = 19 "Oh, Supreme Goddess of the Vrndavana forest! Your lotus feet are brimming full of flowing rasa extract, the essential honey of full-blown love nectars. Holding such feet to His chest, Madhupati (Krsna), the Lord of all sweetness, extinguishes the burning fever of Cupid. So supremely cooling, I now take shelter of them. That which is present deep within the heart of all the Upanisads in the most well hidden secret; this pair of Sri Radha's divine lotus feet is my refuge - simply full of Her own feminine dancing playfulness." "Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi" by Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakur
Rūpa-cintāmaṇi - ''The Cintāmaṇi Jewel of
Lotus Footprints of Srimati Radharani with symbols
padmordhva-rekhaṅkuśan cchatra - parasol; ari - ari; dhvaja - flag; valli - vine; puṣpa - flowers; valayan -bracelets;padma - lotus; urdhva-rekha - ūrdhva - rekhā; aṅkuśan - elephant - goad; ardhendum - half - moon; ca - and; yavam - barleycorn; ca - and; vamam - left; anu - following; ya - which; śaktim - potency; gadam;club; syandanam - flowing; vedialtar; kuṇḍala - earrings; matsya - fish; parvata -mountain; daram - conchshell; datte - places; anu - following; asavyam - right; padam - foot; tam -Her;radham - Rādhā; ciram - eternally; unaviṁśati - 19;maha - great;lakṣmi - opulence; arcita - endowed; aṅghrim - feet; bhaje - I worship. Translation I worship Śri Rādhā, whose feet are endowed with the 19 great opulences of, on the left foot, the parasol, ari, flag, vine, flower, bracelet, lotus,ūrdhva-rekhā, elephant-goad, halfmoon, and barleycorn, and on the right foot, the śakti, club, chariot, altar, earrings, fish, mountain, and conchshell. (Sri Rupa Cintamani)
Text 1 & 2 are
manas cintaya radhikaya vame pade 'ngusthatale yavari O
mind! Please meditate on the left lotus of Srimati Radharani which is
decorated with the following auspicious markings: Text 3 parsnau
jhasam syandana-sailam urdhve tat-parsvayoh sakti-gade ca sankham
remember the right lotus feet of Srimati Radhika with the following
descriptions of the markings: 'Pada Sevanam - Meditation on the Lotus Feet and Hands of Their Lordships', Text 1-3
atha carana-cihnani sankhendu-kunjara-yavav The auspicious markings on Srimati Radharani's lotus feet includes the signs of the conchsell, moon, elephant, barleycorncorn, elephant goad, chariot, flag, small drum, svastika, and fish.
padmor dhvarekhankusan I worship Sri Radha whose lotus feet are endowed with nineteen great auspicious markings of: on the left foot are eleven markings of an umbrella, disc, flag, vine, flower, bracelet, lotus, upward-line, elephant-goad, half-moon, and barleycorn, and on the right foot are eight markings of the sakti, club, chariot, sacrificial altar, earrings, fish, mountain, and conch-shell.
vamacaranasya angustha mule yavah tat-tale cakram tat-tale
There is a barleycorn below the toe of the left foot of Sri Radhika. Below that is a disc, and below that is an umbrella, below the umbrella is a bracelet, and then there is an upper-line which starts from mid-point between the second toe and the main toe and goes down in a crooked way till it covers half the foot. Below the middle toe is a lotus, and below that is a flag. Below the little toe is an elephant goad. On the heel is a half-moon, and above that is a flower. Thus there are eleven auspicious markings decorating the left foot of Srimati Radharani. atha
daksinasya angustha mule sankhah kanisthatale vedi tat-tale
There is a conch-shell at the origin of the toe of the right foot of Srimati Radharani. Below the little toe is a sacrificial altar, and below that is an earring. Below the second and the middle toe is a mountain. On the heel is a fish, and above the fish is a chariot. Thus there are eight markings on the right foot of Srimati Radharani. When combining these eight with those of the left foot, it becomes nineteen auspicious markings. In this way, the nineteen auspicious markings on the feet of Srimati Radharani are eternally remembered.
Dhani Dhani Radhika ke Charan The lotusfeet of Sri Radhika are my only treasure (from Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi) alam
visaya varta ya naraka koti bibhatsaya May my mind
always float in the ocean of divine nectar emanating from the lotus feet
of Srimati Radharani. No more fear of millions of hells. Studying of the
scriptures has become simply troublesome. Merging into the brahman effulgence
is terrible. The ecstatic symptoms of devotion to the Lord that are felt
by the great devotees like Suka have lost their charms. upasya
caranambuje vraja bhrtam kisori ganaih O Radha!
You are my sole Ruler and only shelter. Countless gopis of Vraja swarm
around Your lotus feet and worship them wholeheartedly. Your lotus feet
are an inexhaustible fountainhead of the quintessence of universal love
and are inconceivable to great saints. That is perhaps the reason why
great devotees are striving with ever increasing courage and hope to catch
the sweetness and beauty of the grace that flows from Your lotus feet.
O Queen! Will You be pleased to show me the particular manner in which
I should serve Your lotus feet? atisnehaduccair
api ca hari namani grnatah Lotus chanting
of the holy name of Lord Hari with love attracts my mind towards Sri Radha's
feet. This attraction becomes very strong as soon as the delicious ingredient
of Sri Radha's service is added to the chanting. Meditation on blissful
Krsna as He roams about in Vrndavana has put me under the shade of the
tender feet of kind Sri Radha. kamam
tulikaya karena harinayalatka kairankita My only shelter
is Sri Radhika's lotus feet which I yearn to worship with love and devotion.
These lotus feet of Srimati Radhika are painted by Krsna's soft fingers
with a feather dipped in the most fragrant red-colored juice. The gopis
follow Krsna's example and worship the same feet for the happiness of
all living entities. These feet are glorified in the Upanisads, and are
found in the depth of the hearts of pure devotees. vrndavanesari
tavaiva padaravindam O Vrndavanesvar! O Sri Radhe! I pray for the shelter of Your lotus feet. Your lotus feet are treasure house of nectar of divine love. Syamasundara keeps them safely and dearly in His heart. These feet are the supreme cooling remedy for the blazing fires of this material world. yadi
snehad radhe disasi ratilam payata padavi O dear Sri Radha! When out of sheer compassion, and moved by Krsna's overwhelming love for You, will grant Him His prayers to message Your lotus feet? At that time, I shell look at the ecstatic smiling faces of both of You, and so encouraged I shall hug Your feet with my hands, and taste the nectar of Your lotus feet to my full satisfaction. yasya
aste bata kinkarisu bahusas catuni vrndatavi O Vrsabhanu-nandini! I bow down to Your lotus feet with great awe and reverence, from which selfless love is ever pouring forth in abundance. In His ceaseless and tireless efforts to win Your grace, Sri Krsna, the God of love of Vrndavana and Supreme Almighty, always solicits the favors of Your servants with love and affection. radhapada
saroja bhaktim acalam udviksya niskaitavam I know, and it has been confirmed by all reliable authorities that Madana-Mohana Krsna would be so ecstatically delighted to see pure devotion unto Sri Radha's lotus feet that he would descend from His worshipped throne to embrace, kiss, give His chewed betel nuts, and garland to Sri Radhika's devotee. When shall I be blessed with such devotion, getting such treatment from Krsna as my reward for devotion to Radha's lotus feet? sat
premasindhu makaranda rasau gadhara O Radhika! When shall I enjoy the fortune of having my head used by You as Your footstool? Your feet, which are the life-treasure of Govinda, will then be a crown on my head. They will further bathe my head with a pure nectarine flood of love that always flows among Your devotees. |